Coming May 2024! A free sign-up project for One Piece Cosplayers. Aiming to bring you pages of awesome cosplay and helpful tips, tricks and tutorials.


Our aim is to create a fun project and make it into a digital ‘lookbook’ magazine of sorts. We want to include single-page and spread photoshoots as well as articles that include tips, tricks, and tutorials.Here is the sort of ‘vibe’ we are hoping to bring.


Subject to change!May 5th: Sign-ups open
June 5th:Sign-ups close
June 6th: Invites sent
June 8th: Deadline to join server
June 10th: Pitches submitted
June 20th: Pitches assigned
July 10th:Check-in 1 [Update on progress]
August 10th: Check-in 2 [Update on progress]
Sept 30th: DEADLINE [all things must be finished and ready for formatting!]
Nov 1st: Zine comes out!


To create clear instructions for your tutorials/tips/guidelines/advice. You can use drawn images or photos of step-by-step to help explain/show the process. If using photos these need to be clear and easy to understand/follow.
Cosplayer - Solo
To provide at least one photo shoot with five different images to choose from per cosplay. Images must be high-res.
Cosplayer - Ship
To provide at least one photo shoot with five different images to choose from. Images must be high-res. Keep it U rated. [Universal - family-friendly]
Cosplayer - Group
To provide at least one photo shoot with five different images to choose from. Images must be high-res. One image of each cosplayer [for credits/spotlights] there is no minimum or max for a group cosplay but each person must give permission for use of images to be used in the zine and not in a convention hall setting. Not every member of the group has to be in the server but at least one person needs to join.
Interview style
Cosplayers who want to do an interview-style page as well as their regular page/spread in the zine must provide the following.
One headshot
One full body
Close-up of details [if you mention you worked hard on a fabric print, maybe include that or any props you worked on]
At least 5 photos to work with.
Cosplayers can also just apply to have an interview-style page without doing a full shoot page/spread.Artists
We will be taking on a few artists who want to create small chibi-style illustrations of One Piece characters [in and out of cosplay] to help decorate the pages and graphics! Think of the Marco and Ace we use on the main graphics for the project.


Does my cosplay have to be new?
No! As long as the images you use are all new the cosplay can be old.
Will there be shipping?
We might have a shipping section but it’ll all be rated U [a peck on the lips, holding hands, etc]
How old do I have to be to sign-up?
At least 18 years old.
Can I do more than one cosplay?
Depending on how many people sign-up there should be room for people to do more than one cosplay/shoot!
Can I do a group cosplay for this project?
As long as everyone is over 18, you have permission from everyone in the group then yes!
Do outfits have to be canon?
You can use canon outfits, from artbooks, treasure cruise, grandline collection or something you come up with yourself as long as it’s obvious who you are cosplaying.
Do I have to make my own cosplay?
Handmade and shop bought are both allowed!
Is there a limit on how many of each character can be present in the project?
There will be some limits. If we get five Nami cosplayers but they all have different outfits that’s fine but we will probably limit how many say ‘Arabasta dress’ Nami’s we have.
Is there an overall theme?
Not really, it’s mostly about having fun.
Why is the timeline so different from most zines?
Creating art and writing are different from how cosplay works so we just have a loose timeline for people to follow.
What sort of articles and tutorials are you looking for?
If you have a stp by step guide on how to create Corazon’s hat for example, or guidelines to styling a wig for Sanji. Maybe props are your thing and you’ve made Franky’s giant arms for example. Even general cosplay tips like how to care for a wig, make it less shiny, etc would be nice editions to the zine. Also might do a spot page for every cosplayer with an ‘interview’ style layout.
Do I have to cosplay to be part of this zine?
You don’t need to be in cosplay to be part of the zine, if you want to write a guide/tutorial only then you can.
How many people are you accepting?
We don’t see this being a ‘huge’ project so we have set no limits.
Is gore allowed?
Just canon typical bits of fake blood, etc is fine.
Are genderbends allowed?
Does body size matter?
No, there is no judgment or discrimination here.
Can we use our ‘headcanons’?
A lot of people like Law with amber lead poisoning marks and that’s widely accepted, same with Doffy blind in one eye. As long as the character is still obvious it’s fine.
What about OPLA versions?
Also fine!